Call for Participants: Images of God Through the Lens of Disability

Share your views on God and yourself with other people! Are you an adult with an intellectual/developmental disability living in Ontario? We’d love to hear how you think about God and yourself!

Maybe you’re a support provider or a family member of someone who could participate. Read on to discover if you  (or they, though this content is directed to the person themselves) are a good candidate to participate.


About the Project: We believe that EVERYBODY has something to share about God and about how they understand themselves! Too often, people with intellectual disabilities aren’t asked what they think. This project hopes to change that. We invite you, as someone who is creative and who has good thoughts about God, to join us for questions and activities that help share your perspective with the world.
Why You Might Want to Join: 
  • Develop your skills: You’ll have the chance to take some photos, complete a collage, and answer some interesting questions about God and yourself!
  • You’ll make a difference: You have good thoughts to share, and people want to know what you think.
  • Art Show: There’s a possibility of your photos and art being displayed early in 2025, and for you to be part of a community celebration of this project.
  • Be encouraged: This project will be a success if people who participate feel empowered and encouraged at the end. That could be you!
Who Can Apply: We welcome adults (18 years or older) with an intellectual/developmental disability living in Ontario, who are Christians, to apply.
How to Apply: If you’d like to learn more, click the link below to fill out a short form and let us know you’re interested. If you’re selected , we’ll schedule a call online to talk more about what will be involved.
Timeline: Participants will have a month or so to take 2-4 photos of places, people, or things that make you think of God. Then, in the fall of 2024 we’ll meet in person to talk about your photos, answer questions about God, do an art collage together, and then answer a few more questions about how you feel about yourself. A final report will be put together by the end of 2024 and then if you chose to participate, a final community celebration will happen in Waterloo early in 2025!
Incentives: A $50 gift card to a selection of restaurants will be given to those who attend the in-person interview, whether or not you answer all of the questions or decide to withdraw from the study after that.
Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Once we have 10-15 qualifying candidates, applications will be closed. Apply early if you are interested! Participants will be selected and approached individually by the researcher.
Visit to submit an expression of interest, or scan the QR Code below:
For inquiries, contact researcher Dr. Keith Dow at
This project has been reviewed and approved by the Wilfrid Laurier University Research Ethics Board (REB #8940).